Once you have your PLR digital product that you want to sell, you add it to SendOwl so customers can purchase and download it.
Add Your Product to SendOwl
Log into your SendOwl account and select the Add a product button under the first Onboarding step.
Choose the Product option to add your digital product to SendOwl.
Name your product, set a price for your product, and then select the Choose file button to upload your product.
Find your digital product file to upload and select it to upload.
Press the Create Product button to complete adding your product to SendOwl.
Now your product is added to SendOwl.
Edit Your Product
You may add a product image, description, and summary points to drive impulse and urgency in purchasing your product.
Select on the Products menu item on the left-hand side of the page to find your product.
Click on the name of your product to edit it.
Under the Product Details section select the link to Add a product image, description, and summary points.
Add your product image by selecting the Choose File option and finding your product image to upload.
Complete the rest of your product details and then press the Save button to update your product listing.
View Your Product
Select the Product button on the top-left of the page to go back to your product details and then click the Sell product link to see how viewers see your product listing and checkout.
The Sell with Payment Links section provides two links to view your payment page or product sales page. You may choose either of these options to send your traffic from Linktree to your SendOwl product for purchase.
The Payment page drives traffic directly to checkout where a customer enters his or her name and email address to start the product checkout process.
The Product Sales page displays your product details with a buy now button that sends traffic to your Payment page.
The next step is to start accepting payments to earn revenue from your product sales.
Next step: Setup Payments
Previous step: Find Your Product