A website host stores your website and delivers your site to visitors once they search for your domain. Your domain tells the internet where to go to find your site. You need both a website domain and host to sell products online.
Bluehost is a top ranked web hosting platform with fast site delivery and excellent free customer service. Bluehost is one of the cheapest domain hosts too. You also need a website domain to point to your website host for visitors to view your site.
Many website hosts have domain services built-in, but we recommend using Google Domains to take advantage of the entire G-Suite including gmail, calendar, docs, sheets, and more along with having your own branded email for your business.
Once you create your Bluehost account you will make a small change to point your Google Domain to your Bluehost account. Pointing your Google Domain to your Bluehost account lets you use Google domains for your site domain and email and use Bluehost for web hosting and content delivery.
Create Your Bluehost Account
Navigate to Bluehost to create your account. Press the Get Started button.
Choose an account tier. We recommend starting with Basic which is the lowest cost plan that offers free SLL site security, free CDN for fast content delivery, and free customer support. The Bluehost Basic plan is the best bundle for creators to start.
You may be asked a series of setup questions. We won’t connect your domain during initial setup and we want to do this before your site is made, otherwise you will have to start over. Choose to create your domain later.
Enter your account information. You may use blanket name information here to represent your brand although your billing information must be accurate for payment. Insert your new personal Google account email address into the email address field.
Once your account billing is confirmed you may complete setup of your account.
Now set up your Bluehost account with a username and password. You will see a generic domain name that Bluehost offers for temporary use. Once you point your Google domain to your Bluehost web hosting users will find your site by browsing to your domain.
You may now access your Bluehost account from anywhere by logging into the platform! Once your domain is connected and your site is launched, you may create posts from your phone too which is the perfect setup for creators on the go!
Create Your Website
Because you first need to make your Google Domain your primary domain to replace the temporary one Bluehost made for you, skip the remaining steps. Adding your Google Domain as your primary domain will erase any site setup you do before your domain is added to Bluehost.
Skip the remaining steps unless you want to see what a Bluehost site looks like. Note, your site will be built using WordPress which is a web platform that runs 25% of the internet and is completely free.
Bluehost Platform Navigation
Once your Bluehost account setup is complete and you have a temporary site (made for you by default in the setup steps), you can find your site by clicking on the left hand menu and going to My Sites.
Next steps are to add your Google Domain as your primary domain, update your domain settings within Google Domains so your domain points to your Bluehost account, then create your site to sell products!
Next step: Assign Your Domain