Assign Your Domain to Bluehost

Assigning a domain to your Bluehost account will allow website visitors to discover your site from your custom branded domain. To assign your Google domain to Bluehost you will update a setting on Google Domains to point your domain to your Bluehost account.

Assign Your Domain

Navigate to Bluehost and select Assign under the Domains menu.

Bluehost assign your domain

Type your custom branded domain from Google Domains into Step 1 under the second option to use a domain not already associated with your account.

Bluehost search for your domain

Verify ownership of your domain by copying the DNS A record IP address from the second option.

Bluehost DNS A record

Navigate to Google Domains and click on your domain name to go to your domain settings.

Google Domains your domain

Select the DNS option on the menu and then add your Bluehost IP address as a new A record. Update the Type to A, leave the TTL alone at its default, and add your Bluehost IP address to the Data field. Select to Save when complete.

Google Domains DNS A record

In Bluehost select the Parked Domain option to assign your new domain to your Bluehost account. Select the Assign this domain button to continue.

Bluehost parked domain

You have now assigned your domain from Google Domains to your Bluehost account! Your newly assigned custom domain needs to be the Parked domain.

Bluehost your assigned and parked domains

If your newly assigned domain is not your Parked domain, you need to chat into support for them to update this setting. Only through the free support chat may this change be made.

Update Your Parked Domain

A parked domain on Bluehost is the domain url that will be used for your website. You must update your assigned domain to a parked domain so that users will find your site when searching for it online.

Only the chat support team may update an assigned domain to a parked domain. Click the blue chat bubble and request to make your custom assigned domain your parked domain. Chat support will send you an authentication code to your email to confirm your authentication.

Reply to the parked domain update confirmation email with the required statement and information.

The chat support representative will complete the update to make your newly assigned domain your parked domain for use on your website.

Now you are ready to create your new site with your custom branded domain!

Next step: Publish Your Site



